Dinners are FREE
to QUIPROCONE MEMBERS therefore you must complete your organisation
and membership number details above.
If you are not a MEMBER
and would like to attend the dinner(s), you must send a euro
cheque to the QUIPROCONE Administrator- see bottom of registration
form for postal address. Cheques should be made payable to 'NUI
Maynooth'. Places cannot be guaranteed unless payment has been
I plan to attend the
following dinners during the QIPC Workshop:
Sunday 15th
September 2002 - Welcome
Reception & Buffet at Trinity College - FREE
Monday 16th September 2002 - Official Dinner at Trinity College
Non-QUIPROCONE members will need to pay 34Euros per person
to attend
Tuesday 17th September 2002 - QUIPROCONE State Banquet at Dublin
members will need to pay 50Euros per person to attend
I am a QUIPROCONE member - I have quoted
my organisation and membership number above.
I am NOT a QUIPROCONE member - I will be sending my cheque in the
post to guarantee my booking(s).
Special dietary requirements: