We are interested
in physical implementation of quantum communication devices, quantum measurement
theory, and decoherence theory.
Member EC involvement:
List of researchers/contributors:
Myungshik Kim
Key publications:
- J. Lee and M.S. Kim "Entanglement teleportation
via Werner states" Phys.Rev.Lett. 84, 4236-4239 (1 May 2000).
- H. Jeong, J. Lee and M.S. Kim "Dynamics
of nonlocality for a two-mode squeezed state in thermal environment"
Phys.Rev.A, 61, 52101 (1 May 2000).
- M.S. Kim and J. Lee "Quantum nonlocality
in cavity QED" Phys.Rev.A, 61, 42102 (1 April 2000).
- J. Lee and M.S. Kim, J. Park and S.
Lee "Partial teleportation of entanglement in the noisy environment"
J.Mod.Opt., 47(12), 2151-2165 (September 2000).
- J. Lee, M.S. Kim and H. Jeong "Transfer
of nonclassical features in quantum teleportation via a mixed quantum
channel" Phys.Rev.A 62, 032305 (1 September 2000).