To become a Member
of QUIPROCONE please complete and sign two copies of the Membership
Agreement form and post to Christine Lane, QUIPROCONE Administrator,
Hewlett Packard Laboratories, Filton Rd, Stoke Gifford, Bristol
BS34 8QZ otherwise contact Tim
Spiller for more information.
Members have the right
- Access all QUIPROCONE
electronic information, receive QIPC news, participate in QUIPROCONE
Q&A Forum and contribute to the QUIPROCONE web site
- Apply for QUIPROCONE
funding to support links
- Attend QIPC RTD
Project Cluster Meetings
- Attend Conference
- Vote in Plenary
Meetings (one vote per Member group, although all representatives
of a Member group attending the Cluster Meeting which includes
the Plenary can attend the Plenary)
- Give input to the
QIPC Roadmap
Members are obliged
- Serve on the Management
or other QUIPROCONE Committees if elected
- Contribute to the
knowledge base of QUIPROCONE
- Be in the referee
pool for assessment of Link Funding proposals
- Play a role in
the Roadmap review to ensure widespread consensus.