..Quantum Information Processing & Communications
..Network of Excellence



Participation within QUIPROCONE at an associate level will be completely open, to research groups, individuals, institutions, companies and other parties worldwide who do not qualify for Member status.
Eg, research groups, individuals or institutions active in QIPC (worldwide) but not eligible for EC funding; research groups, individuals and institutions active in related fields (who may potentially move to Member status at a later time, see below); research groups, individuals, institutions, companies and other parties not active in QIPC research but who have an interest in this subject.

To become an Associate of QUIPROCONE please contact Tim Spiller directly by email.

Associates have the right to:

  • Access all QUIPROCONE electronic information, receive QIPC news, participate in QUIPROCONE Q&A Forum and contribute to the QUIPROCONE web site
  • Attend Conference Meetings (this will not be supported by QUIPROCONE unless they are an invited speaker).

Associate status is particularly suited for industrial companies and other institutions with long term interest as potential users of future quantum information technology. Such interested parties will be actively encouraged to join QUIPROCONE and keep up to date with QIPC research results and development opportunities through their association.

It should be noted that any research groups/individuals/institutions who receive EC funding for QIPC during the life of QUIPROCONE will, via this EC funding, automatically qualify for Member status

If an EC national group, individual or institution recognized in the QIPC research community has no past or current involvement with any EC funding for the subject, well-defined steps will be taken to bring such recognized research into the QUIPROCONE Membership.

All QUIPROCONE Members must be eligible to apply for EC funding for QIPC (even if they have not done so); those candidates/applicants not eligible for EC funding are restricted to Associate status.


This site is maintained by Christine Lane, QUIPROCONE Administrator - tel +44 (0)117 312 8079
QUIPROCONE Project Co-ordinator - Tim Spiller - tel +44 (0)117 312 9280